Davide Catena

A bungling father and "Sunday" organist. In 2002 I created katena.it with the idea of creating a website that would collect everything that was moving around the oratory and the education of children, a place to exchange ideas and try to stay in touch with the people I met during my experiences in Youth Ministry office. Now I maintain the site as a tool for collecting songs, melodies and nursery rhymes, trying to trace, where possible, the sources and stories of how they were born.


Aguni (or Agunni) is a scout song that resembles a Native American dance. Used mostly in Italy, I found it in Spanish-speaking Central-South American countries with the title “Aguni guni sha“, albeit with some minor variations. Not being an Italian text, and given its limited diffusion, I thought it was likely that it derives from […]

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A ram sam sam

“A Ram Sam Sam” is a nursery rhyme indicated as originating in Morocco, sung in the local dialect. It is now widespread all over the world with slight differences in pronunciation and gestures. The first recorded version is by the musical group “The Spinners” who included a version of the song on their 1964 Folk

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123456 ciao!

Fast rock rhythm song that can be used as a welcome or goodbye during a meeting or activity. Lyrics You can add verses when used as an opening greeting: Vieni anche tu a far festa con noi,vieni anche tu a far festa con noi,vieni anche tu a far festa con noi,vieni anche tu a far

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